# Motorola 68000 The chip that powers: * [[:amiga|Commodore Amiga]] * Sega Genesis * Apple Macs from the 90s * [[:quantel:paintbox|Quantel Paintbox]] ## Basics * https://www.cs.utoronto.ca/~sengels/csc258/lectures/M68k_4up.pdf ## Internals ### Opcodes * https://info.sonicretro.org/SCHG:68000_ASM-to-Hex_Code_Reference * http://goldencrystal.free.fr/M68kOpcodes-v2.3.pdf You can also see the size of an instruction in AsmPro: * Debug the code * The currently highlighted line's opcode in hex, instruction, and parameters will be the first line of the debug output at the bottom. ## Development * [[:m68k:development:m68k_assembly_language|Assembly Language]]