# MS-DOS An operating system from Microsoft that runs on early x86 era PCs. There were multiple flavors of DOS, but MS-DOS was the big one. ## How-Tos ### Build a DOS program with a protected mode wrapper using Open Watcom 2.0 Compile with `wcl386.exe` to use the protected mode wrapper and skip all the DOS memory model junk. ### Mount difficult floppy images in DOSBox-X If you can't mount a floppy image, try setting **Option: mount images read-only** ### Change the text mode in DOSBox-X In `Z:TEXTUTIL` there are COM files you can run to change the text size. ## Reference ### Open Watcom v2 This is the C/C++ compiler I've been using the most lately. It installs pretty cleanly into a virtual directory using DosBox-X. https://open-watcom.github.io/ * Clib: https://open-watcom.github.io/open-watcom-v2-wikidocs/clib.html ### DOS SDK An SDK for DOS programs that lets you skip low level programming. * https://github.com/Scalibq/DOS_SDK