## Deploying ## Using Drone [`drone-hugo`](https://github.com/drone-plugins/drone-hugo) seems to be dead and you'll get errors about `libresolv.so.2` when trying to use modern Hugo versions on it. This is due to [incompatiblities between some versions of Alpine Linux and binaries build by Golang](https://github.com/golang/go/issues/59305).You can make your own `drone-hugo` yourself, though: ```yaml - name: build image: "alpine:latest" commands: - apk add libc6-compat libstdc++ gcompat - apk add --no-cache --repository=https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community hugo - hugo --config config.toml --contentDir content ``` This will always pull in the latest extended version of Hugo. If you wanted a specific version, you could combine a `curl`/`wget` command with a setting to grab and extract the specific release from GitHub.