
Cool yellow toolbars that are actually tabs! Everything's a tab!

Running in emulation

I'm using GNOME Boxes on Debian Bookworm. It's…ok. Performance when playing back an internet radio stream is weird no matter what player app I'm using.

What didn't work

  • virt-manager: I was unable to use network to connect to random sites. It was not consistent what worked and what didn't.

What doesn't work

Many webapps

WebPositive and Otter Browser fail on a lot of sites. WebPositive works on DokuWiki though!


There's a NextCloud client but that won't sync with ownCloud. Trying to build the ownCloud client but I don't know what I'm doing.

Joplin terminal client

Wants libsecret but I think I have it installed?

Update: I needed to install the _devel version of the library.


  • Using a WinAmp skins makes the window undraggable.
  • I don't know where to install more WinAmp skins.


A library needs to be compiled with encryption support to support encrypted Matrix chats.

Freeplane 1.11.13

Using JDK 17

  • Java exception when trying to open a dropdown to select the style of the mindmap.
    • This is due to the Flatlaf libraries which assume you will be on a platform that supports transparency. Changing to a theme like Metal makes it work.
  • Dragging nodes doesn't work